Jay Gordon trennt sich von Orgy
25. Oktober 2010Vor wenigen Stunden haben Amir, Ryan, Bobby und Paige von Orgy im offiziellen Julien-K Forum verkündet, dass Jay die Band verlassen hat und nun seine eigenen Projekte verfolgen werde. Hier der gesamte Post:
As of Oct. 26th Jay Gordon will be leaving the original band Orgy.
We don’t know what this means for the future of Orgy, but we are assuming that Jay intends to release new music under the name Orgy. We don’t know if Jay has a new band waiting in the wings to replace us, or if he plans on doing it all on his own – but we do know that Jay is a talented writer, and we are sure that he will come up with something great.
Over the last few years we have tried to get the band together and tour or write new music – even though we are juggling multiple businesses as well as 3 original music projects (Julien-K, Dead By Sunrise, and Circuit Freq), we have always been willing to make time for Orgy.
It saddens us that Jay is choosing to carry on the Orgy name without his brothers that helped build and create that name, but we truly wish him all the best.
Thank you all for your continued support on the many projects that we are all involved in, and for being our friends, family, and fans over the years.
Ryan, Amir, Bobby, and Paige
So steht es also erstmal fest, das eine lange erhoffte „Reunion“ zunächst nicht stattfinden wird, egal wie viel Amir, Ryan und die anderen in den letzten Jahren versucht haben. Wir können also nur hoffen, dass sich nicht vielleicht doch etwas zum Guten entwickelt und Orgy nicht zum neuen Guns’N’Roses wird.