Julien-K sagen UK Leg ab!

17. August 2011

Aus nicht vorhersehbaren Umständen mussten die finalen 3 Shows der Europa Tour von Julien-K abgesagt werden. Aber lest die Nachricht von Julien-K doch selbst!

Due to unforeseeable circumstances, that are out of the responsibility of the promoters and Julien-K, we are forced to reschedule i.e. cancel our final leg of our European tour in the United Kingdom.

We feel very sorry that we had to make this decision but we only heard about this on the weekend. We tried hard over the last two days to find a way to make this still possible, but we did not find a solution for the circumstances.

We sincerly believe that our fans will understand and we promise to make up for our UK fans as soon as possible.

We will be back – very soon.

Ryan, Amir, Fu & Elias

Die London Show wird verlegt, mit einem Date, dass bald angekündigt wird, die Tickets dafür bleiben gültig, während die Promoter de Infest Festivals versuchen Julien-K nächstes Jahr ins Lineup zu bekommen. Die Glasgow Show wird ohne Ersatz abgesagt, Tickets können bei örtlichen Ticketshops zurückgegeben werden.

The show for London will be rescheduled, with a new date to be announced. Tickets will stay valid for that new show, and we hope to give you more information soon.
The Infest festival promoter and Julien-K are looking into the possibility to get Julien-K onto the Infest bill for 2012.
The Glasgow concert will be cancelled without replacement at this point. Tickets can be returned to your local ticket shops.

Source:, Systeme De Street Mail